Erasmus +

Academic Year 2024/2025



The Department of Law offers to Incoming students

- Introductory courses
- Ordinary courses
- Legal Language Courses
- Italian Language Courses

The first semester begins on 30 September 2024; the second semester begins on 17 February 2025.

Introductory courses and Italian Language Courses are pre-semester courses: their beginning is planned, for the first semester, on 16 September 2024 and, for the second semester, on 5 February 2025.

All the courses listed below are intended to be delivered in English unless otherwise specified.

A complete list of the courses included in the educational offer of the Department is available at the bottom of the page.



Introductory courses


Introduction to International and EU Law - 6 ECTS - (Professor Serena Forlati, Professor Samuele Barbieri 1st Semester) - course code 62339

The course will provide an introduction to Public International Law and EU Law, where the special features of the EU integration process will be discussed and compared to those of Public International Law. The course will address the following topics: (i) historical evolution and general features of the international and the EU legal orders; (ii) international legal personality; (iii) a focus on international organizations: (a) the competences and institutional structure of the United Nations (b) the competences and institutional structure of the EU; (iv) (a) the sources of International Law; (b) the sources of EU Law; (v) implementation of International and EU Law in the Domestic Legal Orders; specifically, the Italian perspective; (vi) the responsibility for internationally wrongful acts; (vi) (a) the settlement of international disputes; specifically the role of international courts and tribunals; (b) the Court of Justice of the EU and the role of domestic jurisdictions in the implementation of EU Law; (vii) the protection of fundamental human rights in International and EU Law.

You can register yourself filling this FORM


Ordinary Courses


  • Moot Court Competition - 6 ECTS - (Professor Jacopo Alberti - 1st Semester) - course code 168393

    The Moot Court Competition will enable the participation of a Team of the University of Ferrara - Department of Law to the European Law Moot Court Competition, namely a simulation of a fictitious case pending before the Court of Justice of the EU.
    Classes will be highly interactive and will aim at supporting the team to prepare the written and (eventually) oral pleadings.
    The specific topics will be driven by the peculiarity of the case that each year is published by the ELMC Society. Generally speaking, the focus of the course will thence be EU Law in general and EU Judicial Protection.
    English is the working language. However, a good knowledge of French is highly appreciated.  Classes will be between September 1st and November 25th and its schedule will be decided together. If the team is selected for the oral phase of the competition, further classes will be offered between the end of January and the end of April to help the team in preparing the pleadings.

    The participation to this course is open only to the students selected by Prof. Jacopo Alberti. Students must be physically present in Ferrara on September 15th at the latest and remain in Ferrara until at least November 25th. Students that are interested in taking part to the course can send a request of participation to .
    • Equality and Non-Discrimination Law: Concepts and Challenges - (GIANFORMAGGIO CHAIR) - 6 ECTS - (Professor Alexandra Timmer, 2nd Semester) - course code 168593
    Under definition

  • European Company Law - 6 ECTS - (Professor Magdalena Elisabeth de Leeuw, 2nd Semester) - course code 55539
  • The course aims at giving students a broad understanding of the legal measures adopted in this field of law by the EU institutions. As an introduction, the general characteristics of business organisations in Europe, as well as their main differences, will be analysed. There is no such thing as a comprehensive European company law, however, the harmonisation programme has created minimum standards in a number of areas, such as disclosure of company information, the capital of public limited liability companies, the rights of shareholders, takeover bids for public limited companies, domestic and cross-border mergers and divisions, minimum rules for single-member private limited liability companies and financial reporting and accounting. The analysis of the harmonisation programme is central to this course. Next, the case law of the European Court of Justice shall be scrutinised in detail. In a couple of landmark decisions, the Court has clarified some long pending questions concerning the freedom of establishment of companies in the EU (from Daily Mail to Polbud). Finally, the supranational business organisations, in particular the European Company (Societas Europaea) and the European Cooperative Society, are discussed. The course also incorporates recent developments, such as the newly adopted Directive on cross-border conversions and divisions, and the creation of companies fully online.


  • European Criminal Law - 6 ECTS - (Professor Ciro Grandi, 2nd Semester) - course code 55542
  • The first part of the course will address the impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on national criminal laws, with a focus on: Right to life (Art. 2); Prohibition of torture (Art. 3); Principle of legality (Art. 7); Right not to be tried or punished twice (Art. 4 Prot. 7). The second part of the course will address the developments of a European criminal policy and the interplays between EU law and national criminal law, with a focus on: (i) the lack of competence in criminal matters of European institutions under the founding Treaties; (ii) the harmonization of criminal offenses and sanctions in the European legal system; (iii) the EU third pillar under the Treaties of Maastricht and Amsterdam; (iv) the Area of Freedom Security and Justice under the Treaty of Lisbon; (v) the European Arrest Warrant; (vi) the role of fundamental rights in EU criminal law.

  • International Human Rights - 6 ECTS - (Dr  Khrystyna Gavrysh, 2nd Semester) - course code 44236
  • The course will address the general framework of the protection of human rights in international law: (i) the multilevel protection of human beings in international law; the history of human rights and the role of the individual in the international legal system; (ii) the sources of international human rights law; (iii) the contents of human rights rules, with special reference to civil rights; basic notions of international criminal law and of international humanitarian law; (iv) the international responsibility for violations of human rights rules; (v) monitoring compliance with international human rights obligations: the role of diplomatic protection; UN Charter-based and treaty-based bodies; judicial enforcement, especially in the European system; criminal prosecution of human rights violations; civil suits against violation of human rights; and (vi) the effects of human rights rules on the Italian legal order.

    During the course, 3 or 4 seminars will be convened, either by the instructor of the course or by guest lecturers. Students will be asked to prepare in advance by reading some additional materials on a specific topic touched upon during the lectures and to engage actively in the discussion in class.


  • International Labour Law - 3 ECTS - (Professor Silvia Borelli, Professor Tzehainesh Teklè , 1st Semester) - course code 131556
  • The course aims to provide students with:

    i) knowledge about international labour law and its main source, that is international labour standards adopted by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and

    ii) an understanding of the role of international labour law in advancing social justice and realise decent work with a focus on the the right to equality and non-discrimination.

    The course is structured in two parts.

    In the first part, the origin and the history of ILO are illustrated. Moreover, the ILO's tripartite structure and its functioning are examined. The course then analyses the adoption of international labour standards and the ILO mechanisms to supervise their application at national level and to address their violations.

    The second part of the course focuses with international labour law on (i) the right to equality and non-discrimination in the world of work, (ii) equal remuneration between men and women, (iii) the rights of persons with disabilities at work. The legal analyis is accompanied by the presentation of real case examples.

    Students are invited to engage in class discussions. Moreover, lectures are followed by case studies or role plays, which aim to deepen their understanding and critical thinking of the course topics, and to help them reflect on the concrete impact of international labour.

  • International Taxation Law - 6 ECTS - (Professor Marco Greggi, 2nd Semester) - course code 55540
  • In an increasingly interconnected world, businesses and individuals operate across borders, encountering diverse tax systems and regulations. This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of international taxation, empowering you to make informed decisions and optimize tax strategies in a global context.

    We will delve into the fundamental principles that govern how countries tax cross-border transactions, investments, and income. You'll gain a deep understanding of the concept of double taxation, where the same income is potentially taxed by two or more countries, and explore the mechanisms in place to mitigate this issue, such as tax treaties and foreign tax credits.

    Through real-world case studies and examples, you'll learn how to analyze the tax implications of various international activities, including import/export transactions, cross-border investments, and the establishment of foreign subsidiaries. We'll also examine the unique challenges posed by the digital economy, where businesses operate without a physical presence in a particular jurisdiction, and discuss the ongoing efforts to adapt tax rules to this evolving landscape.

    By the end of this course, you'll be well-versed in the intricacies of international taxation, possessing the tools and knowledge to navigate this complex field with confidence. Irrespective of your previous knowledge of taxation (knowledge of domestic tax law is not necessary to take the course), this course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices that shape the world of international taxation.

    Course Objectives:

    1. Understanding the Fundamentals: Gain a solid foundation in the principles of international taxation, including the power of states to tax, the concept of double taxation, and the interplay between domestic and international tax laws.
    2. Analyzing Tax Treaties: Explore the role of tax treaties in preventing double taxation and fostering cross-border trade and investment. Dive into the OECD and UN Model Conventions, examining key provisions related to permanent establishment, residence, and passive income.
    3. Mastering Tax Planning Strategies: Learn practical techniques to minimize tax liabilities while ensuring compliance with international tax regulations. Develop critical thinking skills to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of various tax planning approaches.
    4. Real-World Applications: Engage with real-world case studies and scenarios to apply your knowledge to practical situations. Analyze the tax implications of cross-border transactions, mergers and acquisitions, and international investments.
    5. Staying Ahead of the Curve: Explore emerging trends and challenges in international taxation, such as the digital economy, transfer pricing, and the impact of globalization on tax policies.

    In academic Year 2024 -2025 the course will be integrated with seminars and workshops, and host prominent academics from partner Universities.

  • International Trade Law - 6 ECTS - (Professor Magdalena Elisabeth de Leeuw, 1st Semester) - course code 55538
  • The course International Trade law is divided into two parts. The first and main part of the course addresses cross-border private transactions, focusing on the international sale of goods and on the various relations that arise as a result of a sales contract. Topics include: the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG, 1980), the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Incoterms 2020, international transportation of cargo by sea and road, including the Hague-Visby Rules and the Rotterdam Rules, and the Convention on the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR). An important aspect of an international sales transaction is insurance for loss and damage to cargo while in transit. Since most cargo is still transported by sea, the discussion shall focus on marine insurance. Attention is further paid to the issue of dispute resolution by domestic courts, arbitration and mediation, as well as the applicable law to cross-border disputes. The second part of the course focuses on the regulatory relationship between public authorities and traders, analysing in particular the rules laid down in WTO agreements with regard, inter alia, to tariffs and duties, subsidies and countervailing measures. At the end of the course students will have a clear overview of the complexities of an international sales transaction through the analysis of international conventions and rules, legislation and case law.

  • Private International Law - 6 ECTS - (Dr. Ilaria Aquironi, 2nd Semester) - course code 52860
  • Legal relationships within the area of private law often feature connections with two or more countries, thereby displaying an international character. Private international law deals with those cases. Its rules address the challenges posed by legal diversity, with the aim of providing certainty and ensuring the cross-border continuity of the rights of those involved. In the first part of the course, a selection of private international law instruments will be examined. The focus will beon the rules enacted by the EU as regards contracts and  torts, although some references will also be made to the area of family law. Topics include: (i) the object and function of private international law; (ii) adjudicatory jurisdiction; (iii) the law applicable to cross-border legal relationships; (iv) recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments; and (v) international judicial assistance. In the second part, the role of private international law in addressing modern challenges, such as corporate social responsibility and climate change, will be addressed.


    • The transformation of the European Union's Public Finances Post-Next Generation EU - 3 ECTS - (Professor Marco Greggi , 2nd Semester) - course code 168194

    The course offered examines the transformative impact of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) program on the European Union's (EU) public finances. It delves into the unprecedented fiscal measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic and their long-term implications for the EU's budgetary framework, debt sustainability, and economic governance.
    The course analyzes the shift towards a more centralized fiscal policy, the emergence of new financial instruments such as the SURE mechanism and EU bonds, and the evolving role of the European Commission in managing the EU's finances.
    Additionally, it explores the challenges and opportunities arising from the NGEU's focus on green and digital transitions, social cohesion, and resilience. By critically assessing the successes and shortcomings of the NGEU, this course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the evolving landscape of EU public finances in the post-pandemic era.

    • Transnational Organized Crime (GIANFORMAGGIO CHAIR) - 6 ECTS - (Professor Andreas Schloenhardt , 1st Semester) - course code 168193

    This course explores the international legal framework to prevent and suppress transnational organised crime, including drug trafficking, smuggling of migrants, trafficking in persons, wildlife trafficking and other crime types.  The course outlines and examines the criminology, levels, patterns, and modi operandi of these crimes, their criminalisation in international law, and analyses national, regional, and international strategies to investigate such crime and prosecute offenders.

    The course gives students a comprehensive understanding of contemporary patterns and characteristics of transnational organised crime and relevant international conventions.  The seminars, exercises and working-group sessions during the course invite students to critically reflect on the nature and limitations of international criminal law conventions and understand the rationale of international, regional, and domestic policies in this area. 

    The course further seeks to improve students’ communication, presentation, discussion, and writing skills.  The course enhances students’ abilities to research policy documents and legal material, critically analyse legislation, case studies and scholarly writing, present to an academic audience, and elaborate practical recommendations for law reform and policy change relevant to the subject area.

    Note: The course will be taught and all assessment will be conducted exclusively in English language.


    Legal Language Courses


  • Advanced Legal English - 6 ECTS - (Professor Magdalena Elizabeth De Leeuw, 2nd Semester) - course code 55793
  • The course aims to familiarise students with the workings of a common law legal system, and to develop competence in legal English to an advanced level in all four-language areas (reading, writing, listening and speaking). Students are required to have a level of B2 or higher. To maintain active participation, students must participate in class exercises and discussions, submit assignments and do group work. The course is divided into two parts.

    The first part addresses the essential points that students from civil law countries need to understand in approaching the study of legal English as a legal language, with a focus on the following topics: (i) legal English as part of the common law tradition; (ii) the legacy of English legal history; (iii) the doctrine of binding precedent; (iv) common law lawyers’ attitudes towards law: procedural thinking and procedural language; (v) the role of legislation and the style of law-making; and (vi) the interpretation of statutes. The second part of the course aims to improve students’ ability to read and understand legal texts, such as legal periodicals, commercial legislation, legal correspondence and other types of legal documents.

    Students will improve their understanding of spoken English used to talk about legal topics in meetings, presentations, interviews and discussions.  There will be the opportunity to practice speaking skills in a range of situations typical of legal practice, such as client interviews, discussions with colleagues and contract negotiations.


  • Introduction au droit français [Introduction to French law] - 6 ECTS - (Professor Laurence Klesta, 1st Semester) - course code 59277
  • The course aims to provide an introduction to French legal culture. Students will discover new legal rules using appropriate language. The purpose is to situate French Law in the context of other legal systems, specially Italian law and European law, by focusing on the meaning and relativity of the transalpine legal order. The course will also address the inherent dynamic nature of French rules to cope with new societal challenges paying special attention to relevant case law historical process and fair trial issues. It will be organized into two main parts: (1) The foundations of French Law (sources, features, distinction between objective law and subjective rights,statute law, judicial review); (2) The implementation of French Law (principle of non retroactivity, proper meaning of legal rules, enforcement and burden of proof).

    The course is in French.



  • Legal English - 6 ECTS - (Dr Ilaria Aquironi, 1st Semester) - course code 013934

    Placed within the framework of English for Specific Purposes, the course aims to explore the specificities of the English language in the legal sphere. After an introduction to the Anglo-Saxon legal system, with particular reference to English common law, the course will explore the linguistic specificities of civil and criminal law. In the second part, the course will delve into the peculiarities of International and European Union law, with a focus on the protection of human rights. The third part of the course will be devoted to the linguistic specificities of International contract and company law.

    Lectures will mainly be conducted in English.


  • Legal Spanish - 6 ECTS - (Professor Maria Del Carmen Portaceli Sevillano, 2nd Semester) - course code 54588
  • The main objective of the course is to achieve sufficient competency in legal Spanish so as to be able to develop coherent, logical, accurate and appropriate Spanish legal terminology, spoken discourse; to be able to look up and comment on legal texts in Spanish and to be able to discuss legal topics. Learning Spanish cultural legal concepts, through texts and the latest key legislation, also forms part of the course objectives. Constitutional, Civil, Criminal and Procedural Law will be studied. The classes will be held entirely in Spanish.


    Italian Language Courses


  • Italian Language Crash Course (Beginners to A2, 5ECTS) - (Francesca Carpanelli, First Semester: 16-27 September)
  • The Language Centre of the University of Ferrara offers several opportunities for incoming students to learn Italian, but we strongly suggest students who are enrolling at our Department of Law and who are interested in a beginners' course to join our own free intensive course. This course is specifically designed to meet their linguistic needs, while avoiding overlaps with their academic schedule. Although this course is an intensive pre-semester class, it can be regularly included in your Learning Agreement. Students passing the exam will be awarded 5 ECTS.

    Availability of the course subject to a minimum of 5 registered students. Please note: you are entitled to take more than one language course, but you will earn only 5 ECTS in total.

    You can register yourself filling this FORM


  • Italian Language Crash Course (Advanced to B2, 5ECTS) - (Roberta Gulinelli, First Semester: 16-27 September)
  • This course is specifically designed to meet linguistic needs of students that attend a Double-degree course and students who wish to deepen their linguistic knowledge. Although this course is an intensive pre-semester class, it can be regularly included in your Learning Agreement. Students passing the exam will be awarded 5 ECTS.

    Please note: you are entitled to take more than one language course, but you will earn only 5 ECTS in total.

    You can register yourself filling this  FORM



    The Department of Law at the University of Ferrara currently offers:

    The students can also activate a traineeship.