Seminario: Taxation in the XXI Century: the OECD - BEPS Report and its impact on European domestic tax systems

Dettagli dell'evento


dal 28/04/2014 alle 09:00
al 29/04/2014 alle 18:00


C.U.R. - Viale Marconi, 2 - Rovigo

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Seminario: Taxation in the XXI Century: the OECD - BEPS Report and its impact on European domestic tax systems


Prof. Ekkehart Reimer (Heidelberg University)

Prof. Simon Istvan (Budapest University “ELTE”)

Prof. Stephen Cohen (Georgetown Univesity, Washington)

Prof. Yoseph Edrey (Univesity of Haifa)

Prof. Marco Greggi (University of Ferrara)


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